Most of us would have experienced this before. After sending a message on Whatsapp by accident or to the wrong person and hoping to delete the message. This can be done but only under certain conditions. Read full post to know more...
Irrespective of whether it is a photo, video or other content - Messages can be withdrawn as long as they have not yet been transmitted to WhatsApp. This happens when the clock icon can be seen next to the message and not the check mark. In this case, you should close WhatsApp as fast as possible, activate the Flight mode and open WhatsApp again and then delete the message. Thus, you can cancel messages at the last moment if the connection is slow.
If there are two green check marks under a
message then it can no longer be deleted in
If there are two green check marks under a message then it can 
no longer be deleted in WhatsApp

The deletion of successfully sent messages is no longer possible. Keep your finger pressed on a message and the option “Delete” will appear. However, as soon as there are one or two check marks for a message, it means that the message is now on the WhatsApp servers and will be sent to the recipient from there.

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