Unlike Twitter, Instagram doesn't have a "Retweet" or “Share” function and this makes sharing photos from other accounts a little tricky to do. However, we have found a few ways to do so and you can either use your smartphone or PC to do so. Instagram pictures can be saved only via workarounds on mobile devices.
Basically, you can easily save photos by taking a screenshot. For iPhone and iPad users, you just need to press the Home and Sleep button at the same time. The same combination is applicable for most Android devices. Subsequently simply crop the picture using an App such as Adobe Photoshop Express. Android users can also use he free app InstaSave: It allows you to download all pictures that you have “Liked”. Tip: You can also remove the like after downloading the pictures. The same functions can found on Gramory for iPhone and iPad. With this app, not only can you save the pictures but you will also receive an extensive Instagram client with all the important functions.
Download instagram pictures without having to share them with others
The web service Instagrabbr gives you the ability to download 
pictures of a random Instagram user

If you have jailbroken your device then you can integrate a Download button into the official Instagram app: To do this, install the free tweak InstaSave from Cydia Big-Boss Repo. You will now see a Download option for every Instagram post If the smartphone methods are too slow for you then you can also download the pictures on to the computer. 
To make this work, first download the free InstagramDownloader (available on our website) and unzip the ZIP file. Start the downloader and enter the name of the Instagram user whose pictures you wish to save. As soon as you click on the arrow, the tool will save all download links as a text file in the program folder.  The individual pictures can be manually downloaded as per your choice or you can get this job done with programs such as jDownloader (also available on our site).
The whole process is even easier with the web service instagrabbr.com. Just enter the username, search for the desired picture and save. The advantage: You do not need to install any programs. 
Note: The copyright is also applicable for pictures of Instagram users. Therefore, do not use any external images in your blog or website. You are obviously allowed to download your own photos as a backup copy.

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