Many months ago, we featured the brilliant website www.pluto.tv that turns YouTube into an online TV . Pluto TV consists of handily categorised channels (such as News, Education, Sports, Kids and Art & Culture), each featuring more specific sections (such as Nature, Science and Space in the Education channel). Simply select the section you want and start watching a never-ending stream of related content.
The other day, I was watching one of the News channels when the website prompted me to download its new free PC program. To download it, go to the website, click the download icon at the bottom left (middle of the top row of three), then click Download Now. Run the downloaded setup file to install it. This is a beta version, but it works fine. Click the new Channel Lineup button on the left to see the site’s 10 channels and sections (click any one to start watching it). Create a free user account (by clicking ‘Hello! Sign Up’ at the bottom left).
Download the program that turns YouTube into a TV
Once you’ve done this, you can save programmes that have already aired or ones that are scheduled to start later. To do that, click the show you want to save on your timeline, then click Save Show (see screenshot). Now click the Saved Shows section on the left. Here, you can instantly watch saved shows that have already aired and saved scheduled programmes as soon as they have aired.

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